pressed flowers and pink blue tack

As Ruby heads out to into the garden armed with a pair of scissors, I’m feeling glad that I don’t have perfect herbaceous borders. Calendula that self-seed like crazy and natural/semi-wild areas of native wild flowers (or some might say, less romantically, messy areas of weeds) are a benefit when you have a 5 year old who loves snipping the heads off flowers regularly.     DSC05268

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She’s partial to cutting thyme too (it happens to have lovely purple flowers at the moment) which is handy as I hadn’t got round to giving it a much-needed trim.

The other thing I’m feeling blessed with is pink blue tack. Something that was mentioned on the last letter to Father Christmas (it had been sighted and much coveted apparently in the school cloakrooms) but that the poor, over-worked soul unfortunately couldn’t find or make. So when I was asked to review some Bostik stationery which included this mythical product I jumped at the chance. Apparently it’s available for a limited time. My success at procuring it may just mean that Mum is elevated out of the mud of the star chart for at least the start of the summer holidays.

blu tack pink

I have been sent classic, original blue tack too and as my daughter is still as prolific an artist as she is a flower picker (for pressing, making home-made birthday cards, and mixing potions or ‘perfumes’ which are obviously generally muddy, foul smelling and dabbed liberally on any unsuspecting adult wrists) this is coming in very handy for attaching pictures to our kitchen beams.




The pink version, I suspect, may be kept as something precious for a while though.

The Bostik Glu pen I was sent has been enthusiastically tested when Ruby made a very last minute birthday card with pressed flowers before a birthday party. I liked the fact that it doesn’t contain solvents, isn’t messy and was particularly grateful that it dried very quickly! Ruby, who is very partial to adhesives (we get through a lot of glue-sticks in this house with a lot of very abstract creativity) seemed to like the novelty of a glu pen. I think it would be useful for more intricate craft projects with older children or adults too as the tip allows quite precise application.

glu pen

As I stopped sowing sweet peas and beans in loo roll tubes a while ago, Ruby has been delighted to stash a huge amount away. She has plans to make a giant spider in the summer holiday so I think blue tack and glue may come in quite handy. If the glorious sunshine continues, I have hopes of her doing lots of making outside. So you never know, I may even get away without loo rolls glued to the kitchen table!


This post is sponsored by Bostik to whom I am very grateful for the pink blue tack.

3 thoughts on “pressed flowers and pink blue tack

  1. Sounds like Ruby will be having a wonderfully creative summer with flowers to pick and pink blu tack to play with!

  2. I love Ruby’s art work! no wonder you have such a high demand for blu-tac! I’m coveting the pink version too, feeling the need to assert a bit of girly-ness into this male dominant household!

  3. You bring back memories of summer hols with my girls when they were little. Long may this sunshine continue


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